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For Current CFREs
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How did you pay for the CFRE?
My employer at the time (or current employer) paid for it.
I paid for it myself with my own money.
I split it with my employer.
Some other situation.
If your employer paid for it, was it guaranteed in your benefits package or were you aware it was a perk when you accepted the job?
Yes, I was aware that my employer was willing to pay for it.
No, it was not guaranteed in benefits. I negoitated for it.
No, it was not guaranteed in benefits, it was offered to me after a certain tenure.
If you paid for it by yourself, what was your overall strategy?
I put it on my credit card.
I saved for it.
I crowdraised the fee or another method.
I want to subscribe to the newsletter.
I am willing to lend my expertise further and write a 500 word blog entry on my CFRE experience.
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